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22 Game Reviews

3 w/ Responses

Could have been okay.

I looked like rehash of all the other rhythm based games. Didn't bring much new.
Also really really needs a quality set button. I was having a hell of a time even doing the tutorial! I don't think someones flash games should be limited because of the game not being able to be run at lower setting.

Alot of potential

This has the potential to be really good, the only thing is it need alot of fixing. Controls are messed up, but overall game mechanics are pretty good.
Graphics/animation are also solid.
Reminds me a bit of old red alert.

Xplored responds:

Red Alert is a good inspiration reference :-D
Thanks for your comment.

Good game, Needs a speed-up option.

Let me get this right... a cat falls in love, but settles for a doll version of the real thing. Sounds like my life.

Really good, but really hard.

This game is pretty awesome. Original approach to the defense theme.
The only thing is that it bloody hard. It could possibly just be me sucking, but I couldn't even get past stage 3.


One of the rare good, point and click adventure games out today. Props!
Took a long ass time to get it, only after i beat it did i realize there was a walk though -.-
Amazing graphics during the cinematic, just with the voice acting extended to the actual game play.


I didn't find it as gratifying as the first one, but this certainly was an amazing game!
I did enjoy how you had to upgrade every battle. Although that kinda gave a repetative stratagy. first get mana, second build/upgrage then when your good, spam 'q' and 'w' and selectivly summoning other stronger units.
I do wish that experience frrom one race could be spent on another so one would not have to play the game 3 times spending hours grinding xp.
Another thing... Anyone able to tell me how to unlock the special achievment characters?

Pretty good.

It was well done, nothing too special. I found the difficulty perfect. The first puzzle was a joke, but the locationd for things was a little wierd.
In all good game.

Had potential

It was an alright game. But it could have been so much better! My big problem was the controls. Having 's' and jump completely screwed me up. Either go with arrow keys, or wsad. Second problem was you couldn't turn off game noise which is always irritating if you don't like the music being played. Lastly it starts way to abruptly. Give like a 5 second countdown, or start the guy off in an empty zone and have him move into the start.


I'm a huge fan of Lovecraft, his writings are among my favorite!
You did a great job capturing the tone and atmosphere of the book. This game goes to show that sometimes graphics don't need to matter.
Well done.

Not hard enough

good otherwise

I am a college student, currently failing most of his classes! So what do I do? I'm switching to music in performing arts for drums/percussion.

Age 34, Male


John Abbott College

Montreal, Canada

Joined on 3/1/04

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